Is Apple-GPT a new competitor to Chat-GPT?

We have been using Chat GPT for quite some time now, and it has proven to be an invaluable tool for our organization. But now, according to reports, Apple has recently joined the competition in generative artificial intelligence (AI) by developing an internal project known as ‘Apple GPT.’ The objective of this undertaking is to rival other tech giants such as ChatGPT, Microsoft, Google Bard, and Meta, who have been actively engaged in advancing the field of AI.

As of now, there is no definitive information on whether Apple plans to make ‘Apple GPT’ available to the general public. However, there are indications that some announcements regarding this project might be made in the coming year. It is important to note that Apple has implemented strict restrictions on its employees, prohibiting the use of publicly available language model models (LMM) like ChatGPT. This measure is taken to safeguard sensitive data and ensure the utmost security and confidentiality within the company.

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Apple-GPT brings a boon for engineers

Apple has recently increased its efforts in hiring engineers who possess a strong grasp of large language models and generative AI. A machine learning expert with a strong drive to create exceptional autonomous systems is currently in high demand. Starting from April 27, numerous job opportunities have arisen, some of which seem to be targeting the same role or seeking multiple candidates.

Understanding Ajax Framework

The report brings attention to the Ajax framework, which is based on Google Jax, Google’s machine learning framework. Apple has an existing partnership with Google for its Google Cloud services, which power Apple’s cloud network. Additionally, Apple utilizes its own infrastructure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Recently, the company posted a job opening that requires a candidate to possess a strong understanding of large language models and generative AI.

According to sources familiar with the matter, Apple began working on the Ajax framework last year with the aim of unifying machine learning development within the company. While Apple has reportedly created a chatbot, it is currently not widely available, even within the company. Access to the bot is limited to those with special approval. As of now, Apple GPT remains restricted and lacks any significant innovative features.

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